August 28, 2013

Which is the Bigger Expense? Children's Summer Vacation or School Year

Have you ever had a question you really did not know the answer to and did not know who to ask? Well, I am having one of those moments. Hope you can comment and share your thoughts. The question is: Which is the Bigger Expense?  Children's  Summer Vacation or School Year

This week in Connecticut, children have  started  go back to school after what seems to be a long Summer vacation, for many of my friends. Many of my friends with children were just planning the kids Summer vacation and about a month ago my friends started preparing their  children  for school year.

This is how this question of: Which is the Bigger Expense?  Children's  Summer Vacation or School Year, came about.

Parents of school age children, I would love to hear you voice. How do you budget for both? What are you challenges? Which is the Bigger Expense?  Children's  Summer Vacation or School Year

Please, please, please comment and help me and my readers know what and how others are affording  their children's Summer Vacation and School Year


August 18, 2013

#5 Top Ways to Save Big Money... On Your Want and Need List

Through out  my journey in life, I have I discovered the wonderful world of “frugal living.” 
Here I will tell you the #5 Top Ways to Save Big Money... On Your Want and Need List

There was a time in my life that I would never have been seen in these stores or buying bargains.  However, I humbly come to the realization that for years I have been trying to live a life focused on idols, stuff and impressing others but as you may know, that really did not add anything to my  quality of life in fact, it added a great  amount of stress because I could keep up with the Jones'.

Where I have learned to Shop :

#5 Top Ways to Save Big Money...   On Your Want and Need List



 Where and When do I visit?

  • Where?
    • Thrift Stores and Consignment Shops
    • Better Areas in Town
  • When?
    • Regularly- merchandise  are never the same and you will unlikely find  two of a kind. Its like a revolving door in these shops.
    • On  Sales Days- subscribe to receive emails or mail notifications 
    • On senior Citizen days/ hours
    • Seasonally

During the recent recession, these places were even more popular place to shop. Here, where I am from, you have so many options on where to buy on a budget and actually get great things.
One thing, I am doing is: when I find I am in WANT of something. I write it down on a notepad  and during my monthly shopping time I  keep my eyes open for the items on my list.

And Guess What?

I have gotten   lucky and found exactly what I needed, on may occasions.
It just takes will power , determination and a sense of belief that what ever you ask for, is going to be given to you.

We just need to wait, on it.
I have bought some amazing items in Thrift Store and Consignment Store that when I am walking out of the  store I usually have the  biggest grin because I saved, saved, saved  on Great Stuff!

What frugal thing do you do to, stretch your money? I really would like to hear your ideas!
Please leave a comment.

August 10, 2013

Taking Charge of Your Money... #1 Reason Why to Have an Emergency Fund


How to Start One


Follow along with me, one step at a time.
I have never learned to control my spending. It has always controlled me. There seems to be more month then money. I have always been short and I never seem to have enough.

Where does it all go!
Sounds familiar?
Well, it does to me.

I've had it. It’s time for me to take control of my money instead of my money controlling me!
This time, I am determined. I was recently introduced to a system that if followed, promises to bring you peace and tranquility knowing that your bills will be paid and that you will even have some money in the bank. The steps are divided into sections and topics, to help simplify the process.

You are on Part 5 of the Taking Charge of Your Money Series
Let's take a moment to review
If you have followed along through the series you have:
Part #2- Get Current
and Now you we are on  Step 5... #1 Reason to Have a Emergency Fund & How to Start One
Let's Begin

August 6, 2013

Great Gift in a Bottle...

I was just browsing through Pinterest for a great inexpensive gift to give a special young man in my life.

This picture seems to be for a graduate however, can you image the possibilities and the people that could be blessed with such a great gift.
Yes, I am definite getting creating in my giving.

We all have that person in our life that is so difficult to buy a gift for.
You can't go wrong with this gift!

Source: Nancy Crafty Spot

August 4, 2013

Take Charge of Your Money... Tackle Your Debt

Follow along with me, one step at a time.
I have never learned to control my spending. It has always controlled me. There seems to be more month then money. I have always been short and I never seem to have enough.

Where does it all go!
Sounds familiar?
Well, it does to me.

I've had it. It’s time for me to take control of my money instead of my money controlling me!
This time, I am determined. I was recently introduced to a system that if followed, promises to bring you peace and tranquility knowing that your bills will be paid and that you will even have some money in the bank. The steps are divided into sections and topics, to help simplify the process.

You are on Part 4 of the Taking Charge of Your Money Series