October 14, 2013

Halloween Costumes on a Budget

It is hard to believe Halloween is just a couple weeks away.  I don't know about you'all but holidays are sort of a big deal around my house.  From birth up until a couple of years ago my son was obsessed with Star Wars.  Do you have any ideas how expensive cheaply made Star Wars costumes can be!?!  And seriously do you know how terribly "cheap" those very expensive costumes are!?! So what do you do with a detail obsessed child and a single income?  Here are a few tips to Halloween Costumes on a Budget that I have picked up over the years.

1) Make them yourself. -  So I realize that as a single person not everyone has the time or the skill to make their own Halloween costumes on a budget.  That being said if you are at all crafty, plan ahead and devote a few hours to making your own Halloween costumes, I am positive your one of a kind costumes will always out shine those over priced poor quality store bought costumes.  

Whenever, I decide to go this route for our Halloween costumes, I make sure to keep an eye out for a 99 cent pattern sale and either recycle old fabric I am no longer using or make a trip to the discount ($1.99/yard) fabric store a couple of towns over.  

2) Thrift Shops!! -  A personal favorite of mine.  Not only are thrift shops great for finding that perfect blue 10th Doctor for only $7.99,  (My son is no longer obsessed with Star Wars, we are now Whovians.) but most good thrift shops have a wide variety of pre-made costumes, both used and new.  

No, that is not my son, just who he aspires to be these days. :-)
This year favorite Thrift Shop is featuring Zombie-chic in their 2013 Halloween collection.  Personally, since we are talking Halloween costumes on a budget, I would just buy the $7.99 suit  and take a pair of scissors to it.  But if you prefer your Zombie attire pre-made, your local Thrift Shop may be the place to look.  

3) Clearance - In my opinion, clearance is the best thing that ever happened to retail.  Now keep in mind, if you or your little one need to have the latest and "greatest" cheaply made costume clearance might not be your best option, but if you not need to be super trendy, clearance is a great way to get a way expensive Halloween costume on a budget.  Most major retailers drastically mark down their Halloween merchandise soon after (sometimes even before the 31st).  In the past I have found great costumes and costumes accessories at up to 90% off just a couple days after Halloween, two dollar blond wing anyone!?!

Hope these few tips are helpful, I'd love to hear what you think.  How have you been able to put together Halloween costumes on a budget.  Please share!!

August 28, 2013

Which is the Bigger Expense? Children's Summer Vacation or School Year

Have you ever had a question you really did not know the answer to and did not know who to ask? Well, I am having one of those moments. Hope you can comment and share your thoughts. The question is: Which is the Bigger Expense?  Children's  Summer Vacation or School Year

This week in Connecticut, children have  started  go back to school after what seems to be a long Summer vacation, for many of my friends. Many of my friends with children were just planning the kids Summer vacation and about a month ago my friends started preparing their  children  for school year.

This is how this question of: Which is the Bigger Expense?  Children's  Summer Vacation or School Year, came about.

Parents of school age children, I would love to hear you voice. How do you budget for both? What are you challenges? Which is the Bigger Expense?  Children's  Summer Vacation or School Year

Please, please, please comment and help me and my readers know what and how others are affording  their children's Summer Vacation and School Year


August 18, 2013

#5 Top Ways to Save Big Money... On Your Want and Need List

Through out  my journey in life, I have I discovered the wonderful world of “frugal living.” 
Here I will tell you the #5 Top Ways to Save Big Money... On Your Want and Need List

There was a time in my life that I would never have been seen in these stores or buying bargains.  However, I humbly come to the realization that for years I have been trying to live a life focused on idols, stuff and impressing others but as you may know, that really did not add anything to my  quality of life in fact, it added a great  amount of stress because I could keep up with the Jones'.

Where I have learned to Shop :

#5 Top Ways to Save Big Money...   On Your Want and Need List



 Where and When do I visit?

  • Where?
    • Thrift Stores and Consignment Shops
    • Better Areas in Town
  • When?
    • Regularly- merchandise  are never the same and you will unlikely find  two of a kind. Its like a revolving door in these shops.
    • On  Sales Days- subscribe to receive emails or mail notifications 
    • On senior Citizen days/ hours
    • Seasonally

During the recent recession, these places were even more popular place to shop. Here, where I am from, you have so many options on where to buy on a budget and actually get great things.
One thing, I am doing is: when I find I am in WANT of something. I write it down on a notepad  and during my monthly shopping time I  keep my eyes open for the items on my list.

And Guess What?

I have gotten   lucky and found exactly what I needed, on may occasions.
It just takes will power , determination and a sense of belief that what ever you ask for, is going to be given to you.

We just need to wait, on it.
I have bought some amazing items in Thrift Store and Consignment Store that when I am walking out of the  store I usually have the  biggest grin because I saved, saved, saved  on Great Stuff!

What frugal thing do you do to, stretch your money? I really would like to hear your ideas!
Please leave a comment.

August 10, 2013

Taking Charge of Your Money... #1 Reason Why to Have an Emergency Fund


How to Start One


Follow along with me, one step at a time.
I have never learned to control my spending. It has always controlled me. There seems to be more month then money. I have always been short and I never seem to have enough.

Where does it all go!
Sounds familiar?
Well, it does to me.

I've had it. It’s time for me to take control of my money instead of my money controlling me!
This time, I am determined. I was recently introduced to a system that if followed, promises to bring you peace and tranquility knowing that your bills will be paid and that you will even have some money in the bank. The steps are divided into sections and topics, to help simplify the process.

You are on Part 5 of the Taking Charge of Your Money Series
Let's take a moment to review
If you have followed along through the series you have:
Part #2- Get Current
and Now you we are on  Step 5... #1 Reason to Have a Emergency Fund & How to Start One
Let's Begin

August 6, 2013

Great Gift in a Bottle...

I was just browsing through Pinterest for a great inexpensive gift to give a special young man in my life.

This picture seems to be for a graduate however, can you image the possibilities and the people that could be blessed with such a great gift.
Yes, I am definite getting creating in my giving.

We all have that person in our life that is so difficult to buy a gift for.
You can't go wrong with this gift!

Source: Nancy Crafty Spot

August 4, 2013

Take Charge of Your Money... Tackle Your Debt

Follow along with me, one step at a time.
I have never learned to control my spending. It has always controlled me. There seems to be more month then money. I have always been short and I never seem to have enough.

Where does it all go!
Sounds familiar?
Well, it does to me.

I've had it. It’s time for me to take control of my money instead of my money controlling me!
This time, I am determined. I was recently introduced to a system that if followed, promises to bring you peace and tranquility knowing that your bills will be paid and that you will even have some money in the bank. The steps are divided into sections and topics, to help simplify the process.

You are on Part 4 of the Taking Charge of Your Money Series

July 25, 2013

Take Charge of Your Money... Series

Taking Charge of Your Money

Follow along with me, one step at a time.

I have never learned to control my spending. It has always controlled me. There seems to be more month then money. I have always been short and I never seem to have enough.

Where does it all go!
Sounds  familiar?
Well, it does to me.
I've had it. It’s time for me to take control of my money instead of my money controlling me!

This time, I am determined. I was recently introduced to a system that if followed, promises to bring you peace and tranquility knowing that your bills  will be  paid and that you will even have some money in the bank. The steps are  divided into sections and topics, to help simplify  the process.
Starting with #1 and working your way through the series.


Subscribe to my blog, follow and join me on this journey in becoming debt free.

July 13, 2013

Taking Charge of Your Money... Your Mini Emergency Fund

Follow along with me, one step at a time. I have never learned to control my spending. It has always controlled me. There seems to be more month then money. I have always been short and I never seem to have enough.

Where does it all go!
Sounds familiar?
Well, it does to me.
I've had it. It’s time for me to take control of my money instead of my money controlling me! This time, I am determined. I was recently introduced to a system that if followed, promises to bring you peace and tranquility knowing that your bills  will be  paid and that you will even have some money in the bank. The steps are  divided into sections and topics, to help simplify  the process.
You are on Part 3 of the Taking Charge of Your Money series

July 7, 2013

Take Charge of Your Money ...Get Current Part 2

Follow along with me, one step at a time. I have never learned to control my spending. It has always controlled me. There seems to be more month then money. I have always been short and I never seem to have enough.

Where does it all go!
Sounds familiar?
Well, it does to me.
I've had it. It’s time for me to take control of my money instead of my money controlling me!
This time, I am determined. I was recently introduced to a system that if followed, promises to bring you peace and tranquility knowing that your bills  will be  paid and that you will even have some money in the bank. The steps are  divided into sections and topics, to help simplify  the process.
Starting with #1 and working your way through the
Easy Ways to... Take Charge Of Your Money
Let's Review How to Take Charge of Your Money Part 1   for those that have missed it:
  1. We went away to a quiet place so that we could think more clearly about what all the expenses were.
  2. We wrote down all of our monthly and periodic expenses.
  3. I  also disclosed the Secret to lowering your cable bill

Let's Begin:
    How to Take Charge of Your Money ...Get Current Part 2

Taking Charge of Your Money will NOT be easy. There will be times that you’ll feel that is live hasn’t been and isn’t fair however the long term goal promises to be rewarding.

Are you as determined as I am  to sacrifice and start building new habits today so that you can enjoy Living Life on 1 Income?

After writing down the all of my monthly regular and periodic expense, I found that I overlooked  a few  expenses:  ( Don't know why I overlooked  the expenses below, they come in every  month but writing them down has made me more conscious of them )
 car insurance 
light company and
gas company 
clothing category
The car insurance, light and gas company  expense will  be added into my regular monthly expenses and my clothing expense, (well we all need a new outfit or two every now and then)  I will categories as a  periodic expense, that I can build on and  will be able to purchase higher ticket items if needed.
This is about Living Life on 1 Income and I promise myself that I will live my  live to the fullest just frugally.
You can plug the miscellaneous expense to your periodic or your monthly expense.  Your Chose. I have decided to add the miscellaneous and the clothing expense to my periodical expense.
The amount that I have budgeted to put away monthly for these expense will not be large so  I figured if I can build on them periodically I can the purchase a nicer pair of shoes or  better quality kitchen towel set etc.
Let’ begin… Part 2

Make Your Own Stain Remover.... It WORKS!!!

Just stopping by to share this great DIY for Stain Remover.

When ever I am in the need of a product, a how - to or help  getting something done as cheaply as possible.
I go online, research  and  test before I share it with my friends and family. You will love this!

Make Your Own Stain Remover. This is a must try!

July 6, 2013

Welcome !

Thank You for Visiting
Those of us Living Life on 1 Income as a Single by chose or by circumstances  have  challenges that other may not. We are the sole provider of ourselves, family and household however we are deciding to enjoy and love our life and embrace life and live it to the fullest.

Living Life on 1 Income was created to motivate encourage and challenge those that are aiming to become or are living and supporting their household on 1 income and single. 
In todays economy, it takes creativity and community to make Living Life on One Income as a Single possible.
With that said, we welcome and encourage your ideas and comments.
Together we can make Living Live on One Income easier.
Whatever your goals or circumstances are, we SUPPORT YOU!
For the most part of my adult life I have been Living Life on 1 Income as a Single.  There has been challenges, as well as triumphs.  I will be open and honest with topics and will not hold anything back.
All I ask is one favor from YOU
If you are thinking about or are already Living Life on 1 Income as a Single we ask  for you comment and suggestions that way we can learn from each other.
LivingLifeOn1Income.blogspot.com - A community of people dedicated in coming together to motivate, encourage and challenge to achieve one mutual goal.
Living Life on 1 Income as a Single
Don't Forget: Subscribe to our Blog to receive the latest post .
 The Sections to this Blog are:

Living Life- Coming Soon- My personal journey, as I am Living Life on 1 Income as a Single
  • There is were we share with one another our challenges trumpet and give advise or helpful hints
The Budget- In Progress
  • Easy steps to Taking Charge of Your Money
  • Great Ways to stretch the budget and save, save, save
More Discounts
  • Even more saving...
  • For the Home, For Self, For Family & Friends
Comment Policy- In Progress
  • Unfortunately, people  at times you come across someone that is not happy for one reason or the other and find a need to instill unwelcome and mean comments and under no circumstances it will be allowed on this  Living Life on 1 Income as a Single's Blog. Just can't have it. So if a post is writing that is writing to hurt anyone, it will be immediately, deleted.

July 4, 2013

Cut Back, Way Back on Your Cable Bill

My Secret!

Well, it's not really a secret.   I love my Roku. If you aren't familiar with this small devise, I am happy to be one to introduce you to it.
One of the best  Christmas present, I've ever received. Love my Roku! You will see why.


It a small Box.

 I am sure there are some more expense devises however  this one does the job for me.

It's a small box:
Connects to your homes Wi- Fi 
Streams 300 plus channels to your TV


All the cable are included when you purchase the Roku device, AV Cable or HDMT cable. The only other connection you'll need to make is to plug the Roku to a wall outlet.

You can watch over 100,000 Movies, TV Shows, from Sports the News to Family Channels

More then 300  channels are free however  to add Netflick or Hulu Plus  there is a  a small monthly service fee.
In the long run, you will save so much with Roku that you will kiss Cable TV Good Bye.

July 3, 2013

Take Charge of Your Money Problems... Great Place to Start!

Follow along with me, one step at a time.
For the longest time, I never knew how to control my spending. It always controlled me. Why is it that there seems to be more month then money? I was always been short and I never seemed to have enough. 

Where does it all go!
Sounds, familiar?
Well, it does to me.
Finally, I had it. It’s time for me to take control of my money instead of my money controlling me! This time, I am determined. I was recently introduced to a system that if followed, promises to bring you peace and tranquility knowing that your bills will be  paid and that you will even have some money in the bank. I have divided the steps into sections and topics, to help simplify the process.
Start  Here Part  #1

Let's Begin: How to Take Charge of Your Money Problems...          Great Place to Start!

June 30, 2013

4 Easy Ways to Lower Your Grocery Budget

I am finding it easier to stay on budget. The more I put it in to practice and the more conscious I am of my  spending habits, the  more I am able to successful live one income lifestyle,

The 4 Easy Ways to Start Creating A Grocery Budget

  1. Calculate what you  normally spending on grocery.
    • First things first, you need to figure out how the average you spend on food each month.  
      • For 1 full month (4 full weeks), keep a tally of every dollar you send on food (don't forget eating out)
    • After you've  figured out what  has been your usual grocery bill, deduct  $ 5- $10- $20 or  $25 from the monthly total. Deducting to much money quickly may leave you shocked, short or even  hungry for that matter. Best to be realistic. Take baby steps.
  2. Plan you meals
    • Not a planner? At least prepare some type of list. What do you usually buy? I try not to walk into the  grocery store without a grocery list. If I do, I end up taking another trip to the grocery store.  I have had weeks when I went to the grocery store daily! What a waste of time!
  3. Take a trip to the bank for Get Cash ( only  withdraw the budgeted  grocery amount)
    • Yes, you will be paying cash. Did you know, people spend less money when they pay cash for an item then if they were to use a credit card or an debit card? 
  4. Time to Shop
    •  I use the calculator app on my phone. It helps me stay of track.
    • Some grocery stores also have a hand held self scanner that you can use to track your spending as you scan each item you put in your cart.

      Just a Thought:
      Start your shopping at a dollar store or discount grocery store.  I always start my shopping at the dollar store before I move over to a large grocery store. It just makes sense. I constantly find items on my grocery list that were at the dollar store and guess what? It just cost a dollar.

Once you have made it a habit and your grocery budget is lowered, decrease the dollar amount again. You will find that you will start making better purchasing choices, then if you did not have a plan.