August 28, 2013

Which is the Bigger Expense? Children's Summer Vacation or School Year

Have you ever had a question you really did not know the answer to and did not know who to ask? Well, I am having one of those moments. Hope you can comment and share your thoughts. The question is: Which is the Bigger Expense?  Children's  Summer Vacation or School Year

This week in Connecticut, children have  started  go back to school after what seems to be a long Summer vacation, for many of my friends. Many of my friends with children were just planning the kids Summer vacation and about a month ago my friends started preparing their  children  for school year.

This is how this question of: Which is the Bigger Expense?  Children's  Summer Vacation or School Year, came about.

Parents of school age children, I would love to hear you voice. How do you budget for both? What are you challenges? Which is the Bigger Expense?  Children's  Summer Vacation or School Year

Please, please, please comment and help me and my readers know what and how others are affording  their children's Summer Vacation and School Year


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